
bush plane中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • It was a bush plane, a single engine plane and it just putted along . when we landed in this community we saw the devastation and we discovered what needed to take place to rebuild the area
  • Being in the middle of the sahara desert the only quick way in or out seemed to be catching a ride on a small, single-engine bush plane being operated by unicef . unicef agreed to give steven a ride to timbuktu as they were in-route to retrieve two doctors who d been there for quite some time working with the local population of roughly 10, 000 people . they also explained that they would not have room for steven on the return flight, as his seat would be occupied by one of the doctors
  • After continental breakfast depart hotel for a sternwheeler cruise . join a third generation riverboat for a cruise on the only authentic operating sternwheeler in alaska, the discovery . on a scenic 20-mile roundtrip cruise down the chena and tanana rivers, enjoy a lively narration as you view a bush plane s performance, log homes, and a trapper s cabin
  • 推荐英语阅读
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